KFO Web Page:
= Great format (mentioned 7 times)
= It’s nice as it is
= Very user friendly
= Best part of the KFO Web Page… = Learning family information (mentioned 2 times) = Learning about family histories = Can access anytime without mailers = Best part: most everything; no ideas to improve it = 1. Histories, 2. Photos = Seeing how we relate = Info about Torleif = Pictures past & present
= No way to improve it = Can you set it up to be “printer friendly”? = Want more history stories of Torleif = Format could be improved = Can you make it more interactive? = Want to know when activities are. = Can we put a blog on it that anyone could post on with family updates, thoughts, and photos? Want Norway families’ names, addresses and phone #s in case we ever visit Norway = It’s simple, user friendly = Want historical info, family names = Thorough, in-depth info = Insights into National and personal heritage = Interesting cultural facts, etc. = Wonderful = It’s convenient = Need more information on descendants = Want information on families = Want more histories = Improve: more links = Could put some audio = Want information on more paintings |