The Birth of the Knaphus Family in Vats, Norway
Knaphus Farmland circa: 1913
Painting by T.S. Knaphus

Click on one of  the following titles to follow its link:

History of Lar and Liva Knaphus
by Marie JamesHistory.html

Newspaper Article on Lars KnaphusArticle.html

Knaphus Memorial in Norway
Dedicated 2004Memorial.html

KFO News Blog


   Descendant ChartFamily_Birth_files/DescendantsofLars.xls

     Memories of Home on Redondo WayFamily_Birth_files/redondohome.pdf


“In the early 1860’s, before he was married, Lars Larsen Slottenaa cleared and cultivated the land known as “Knaphus” meaning “button or knoll – house”.  The farmhouse he built was on a little hill and could be seen from long distances away.”

Lars Larsen Slottenaa Knaphus (1843-1919)
Liva Sakariasen Alfseike (1847-1914)

Circa: 1895